How can we help you...With your data?

The Data Group = Your Data Team

Own your data

The Data Group’s first goal is to help our clients achieve total agency over their data in a wholly-owned data warehouse that provides a single version of the truth. We accomplish this through our proprietary ALPHA platform and our partnership with Snowflake - the world’s leading data warehousing platform.
View Alpha

Discover your data

While we work on accomplishing owning your data we begin exposing your data to you through our proprietary ECHO platform so you can finally see all of your data clearly. This exposing process helps us all identify the garbage, the problems, and the places where your data needs to be enriched to provide you with that ultimate one version of the truth data warehouse.
View Echo

Use your data

Finally, through our proprietary FOXTROT platform we develop an API over your one version of the truth data warehouse so you can actually use this data to make better decisions and streamline operations. Using our FOXTROT no-code API platform we can develop a secure, audited and performant REST API in days (not months and years) so that you finally use your company’s most valuable asset to its full potential.
View Foxtrot

The Data Group’s first goal is to help our clients achieve total agency over their data in a wholly-owned data warehouse that provides a single version of the truth.

Initial Data Load

With a fresh and spacious approach to design, The Data Group will leave your customers with a renewed sense of calm.
  • We design, implement and manage all your data load jobs
  • First, we design and develop the initial data load that will load all your historical data from all your data sources
  • Next, we load, load and re-load again until we get all your historical data loaded
  • We can load data your data cloud from on-premise databases, cloud databases, APIs, files, and even mainframes

Continuous Data Sync

With a fresh and spacious approach to design, The Data Group will leave your customers with a renewed sense of calm.
  • We design, implement and manage all data jobs necessary to load your data continiously to make sure your data cloud is always relevant and accurate
  • We fully-manage all data loading jobs so that whenever something breaks, well, you don't even have to know about it, we'll just fix it
  • Rest easy knowing you have total agency over all your data and you have it in one single version of the truth data cloud that is relevant and current

Our proprietary no code FOXTROT API platform puts a performant REST API over your one version of the truth data warehouse.

Fully RESTful API
JSON and XML support

Multiple types of tenant-based authentications.

Basic Auth
OAuth 2.0
2-way SSL

Data validations

Built-in Pagination

Data Filtering



Logging & Tracking

A Single Source of Truth
Your Data Team

Own your data

We develop a single source of truth data warehouse.

Discover your data

See your data for the first time.

View Echo
Data Discovery
Connect to an API
FOXTROT is properly connected to source

Use your data

Your no-code API.

View Foxtrot

Let's Talk

Own, Discover and Use your Data
Schedule a Call